
Welcome to our “Sailing” category page, where we chronicle our sailing trips and share our passion for life on the water. Sailing is an exhilarating and rewarding experience that allows us to connect with nature and explore the world from a different perspective.

On this page, we share our stories, photos, and videos from our sailing adventures, including details about the routes we’ve taken, the challenges we’ve faced, and the highlights of each trip. Whether you’re an experienced sailor or simply curious about life on the water, our sailing category page is the perfect resource to inspire your next adventure.

Join us as we explore new destinations, learn new skills, and share our love of sailing with the world.


Sailing Multnomah Channel

Sailing the Multnomah Channel: A Serene Sailing Journey

Have you ever considered embarking on a leisurely sailing expedition along the serene Multnomah Channel, tracing the picturesque landscapes of Sauvie Island? Join us on our immersive journey as we share our experiences, from encountering Fred’s Marina, admiring the Sauvie Island Bridge, and exploring the scenic beauty of Scappoose Bay (if able). Take a captivating…